Nathalia Favaro is a Brazilian artist and architect currently based in Berlin. Her works investigates the drawings generated in the territory by the exploratory profitable relationship to the land. She observes landscapes that have been reshaped and redefined, where she finds both beauty and destruction. She works with ceramics, drawings and video, and the process is an important part to her work.
Her works has been presented at 16ª VERBO – Performance and Art Festival (Galeria Vermelho, SP, 2022), Amada Verde (Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 2021), Abre Alas #16 (A Gentil Carioca, RJ, 2020), Food Art Film Festival (Jan van Eyck Academie, The Netherlands, 2019) and La naturaleza de las cosas (Art Museum, Bogotá, 2019). She was an artist in residency at EKWC – European Ceramic Workcentre in the Netherlands, at Labverde, Manaus, Brazil and at Arteles Creative Center, Finland.