Saturday 15th June: Thanks alot to Ricky for the great Workshop 5 and his Concert at B.L.O. Ateliers :
The madagascan percussionist, composer, musik-therapist and singer Olombelo Ricky is touring once more in Europe, together with his son Miaro Tanjona. In their music the madagascan rhythms meet with modern jazz sounds, in a combination of traditional instruments from the Indian Ocean and electric guitar and bass.
The participants of this workshop are invited to get to know traditional madagascan percussion instruments. With a special technique of breathing in 6/8 tact you get a feeling of the madagascan beat, have the chance to jam together and get an insight to the culture of Madagasca as well as the symbolism and meaning of madagascan music.
The organic live music is an understanding of the rhythms throughout the “BODY”. In this workshop Olombelo Ricky besides using his instruments reproduces sounds of nature with his “OWNBODY”. That’s why his music is not only directed to percussionists, vocalists but also to dancers, storytellers, actors – people who work with the integration of music, sound, rhythm, body, …
We can learn from each other and we can not have, what the other generation posses, each of us is shaped by our own generation and our own experiences.
This music from LEMURIA is big ritual, celebration, fun and mantras.
OLOMBELO RICKY, one voice, one drum, three different microphones – different mixing and vocalist performer.
foto Hernán Piñera, licensed cc-by-sa-2.0.
Der madagassische Percussionnist, Komponist, Musiktherapeut und Sänger Olombelo Ricky ist gemeinsam mit seinem Sohn Miaro Tanjona zum wiederholten Male auf Konzerttournée in Europa. Madagassische Rhythmen treffen auf moderne Jazz-Klänge, traditionelle Instrumente des indischen Ozeans finden einen gemeinsamen Resonanzraum mit E-Gitarre und E-Bass.
Die Workshopteilnehmenden sind eingeladen, sich in einem Praxisseminar an madagassische Percussioninstrumente zu setzen, über Atmung im 6/8-Takt in den madagassischen Beat zu finden, gemeinsam zu jamen und tiefere Einblicke in die madagassische Kultur sowie die Bedeutung, Symbolik und Wirkungsweisen von Musik im Kontext von Madagaskar zu bekommen.