Friday, 8.02.2019 – 6:30pm
Artist talk about the participative project and research on Spoken Words Poetry that the artist Irina Novarese realized in 2018 in Sao Paulo, Brasil, during her residency at Goethe-na-Vila – Goethe Institut Sao Paulo.
FALE NOVAMENTE, FALE COMO CHUVA – SPEAK AGAIN, SPEAK LIKE RAIN is a participative project on urban interstices moreover spoken words as cultural form of activism. The practice of urban poetry as a medium engages the participants to debate the right to the city, to celebrate urban life, to embrace visions and concrete’s surfaces.
Freitag, 8.02.2019 – 18:30 Uhr
Künstlerinnengespräch. Irina Novarese (Bildende Künstlerin, B.L.O. Ateliers) stellt ihre neuste Arbeit vor: FALE NOVAMENTE, FALE COMO CHUVA – SPEAK AGAIN, SPEAK LIKE RAIN ist ein partizipatives Projekt über Spoken Word Poetry als Kulturform des Aktivismus. Das Projekt wurde während ihrer Residenz im Goethe-na-Vila dank des Goethe-Instituts Sao Paulo (Brasilien) realisiert.
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen!
In cooperation with / in Kooperation mit:
Poeta Kimani – poet and writer * São Paulo
Deusa Poetisa – spoken-words poet * São Paulo
Mariana Felix Santos – spoken-words poet * São Paulo
Michel Yakini – poet and writer * São Paulo
Haux del Chaves – poet and organizer of the Slam Resistencia spoken-poetry group * São Paulo
GOETHE NA VILA 2018 – Vila Itororó Sao Paolo, Brasil
more information here / weitere Informationen hier