Curated by Kristen Cooper & Zoltan Kunckel
Artists: Rula Ali, Zeynep Arikan, Shirin Ashkari, Christa Fülbier, Ziyad Hawwas, Halim Karabibene, Aleksandra Kononchenko, Irina Novarese, Ramin Parvin, Ruba Salameh, Özlem Sarıyıldız, Uli Westphal, Bora Yediel
EXHIBITION: 22.04. thru 01.06.2023
FILM SCREENING: Film as Memory Box – Curated by Senem Aytaç
Friday, 19.05.2023 um 18 Uhr
FINISSAGE: Thursday, 01.06.2023 at 18:00 with a Performance by Alireza Ostovar
Whether inherited, gifted, or chosen, real or not, keepsakes have been kept.
Keepsakes are the cherished objects that we preserve in remembrance. They embody our affection for people, places, and times distant or past. We have filled them with memory and meaning, and we handle them with care.
The objects we keep, those that accompany us through life, coexist with us. They nurture continuity between our past and present; they fill the void shaped by absence; they awaken sensations and moments. The measure of their potency is intimate and personal; as we are the purveyors of the stories and memories they keep alive.
The artist community HIER & JETZT: Connections presents Treasure, a group exhibition that considers the inherent value, monumentalization, and object-biography of things. The exhibition is on view at Studio Bildende Kunst (SBK) April 26–June 1, 2023.
EXHIBITION & EVENTS TAKE PLACE AT: Studio Bildende Kunst John-Sieg-Straße 13, 10365 Berlin-Lichtenberg