Open Studio and Artist Talk with resident artist D’ANDRADE (BR) in the B.L.O. Ateliers.
Free Entrance

D’Andrade is a non-binary musician*, poet* and writer* whose conceptual approach is oriented towards Afro-futurism and decolonial theory, as well as the development of investigative works, new and counter-narratives through sound design, coding, archives, and interactions. D’Andrade co-curated the interdisciplinary festival “Jardim Suspenso” in Brazil and founded the solo project “Noise Vivarium” in 2020, based on open workshops with sound, decoloniality, and nature. Their works have been exhibited at international venues as well as in Berlin, including the Sophiensälen, feldfünf, nGbK, Iwalwahaus, and the AKE ARTS & BOOK FESTIVAL in Nigeria.